On December 9, 2003, the Board of Education approved Policy H-6980 which outlines the rules for student possession and use of electronic devices on school campuses, school buses, at school sponsored activities, or while under the supervision and control of school district employees. At Bethune, electronic devices include but are not limited to: cellular phones, pagers, other electronic signaling devices, iPods or MP3 devices, and portable gaming systems such as PSP's.
All students may use these devices on campus ONLY before school begins and after school ends.
These devices must be kept out of sight and turned off during the instructional program. Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning environment.
The consequences for violating this policy are as follows:
First Offense
The phone or electronic device is confiscated by a school official and given to the Principal. Students may pick up the electronic device in the Principal's office at the end of the instructional day.
Second Offense
The phone or electronic device is confiscated by a school official and given to the
Principal. A parent or legal guardian may pick up the electronic device from the Principal.
Third Offense
The phone or electronic device is confiscated by a school official and given to the
Principal. Student will be assigned detention or Saturday School. A parent or legal guardian may pick
up the electronic device from the Principal.
Thank you for helping to provide an environment free of distraction by following district procedure
and our schools rules.